Digitization is no longer an abstract term describing something in a distant future. It has long since begun and has already reached everything and everyone in some form. But what does it look like in German companies? And what is a Modern Workplace?

Since the dawn of industrialization, the economy has been exposed to ever new changes. Companies must react to these changes in time, otherwise they will be swallowed up by the competition or simply disappear. The intervals at which changes affect companies have accelerated rapidly since the age of computer technology. At the turn of the millennium, companies were still well positioned with a five-year strategy and rarely had to adapt it, but nowadays it is difficult for decision-makers to keep track of just one fiscal year. This is due to the dynamic technology revolution. Due to globalization, products and services are available very close together. In addition, the preference of customers to remain loyal to a brand or a company has moved into the background. Instead, they are looking for cheaper, better, newer or a product that is simply "different".


This is also the case with digitization. It is not a passing fad, but an unavoidable megatrend. In the private sphere, this has long been a reality. Here, Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp and the like are used across generations as a matter of course on tablets, PCs and smartphones. But why are these platforms so popular? They enable users to communicate quickly and easily, exchange ideas and make decisions together quickly. Just think, for example, of the various WhatsApp groups you're in.


But comparable tools and instruments have to be dispensed with unnecessarily in the work environment, even though companies would have had a large number of these tools at their disposal long ago. Instead, employees in companies unfortunately have to resort to communication channels that are simply from the last millennium. We are talking here about good old e-mail. This makes communication within organizations confusing, difficult and complicated. Sometimes it even overwhelms employees. Just think of the flood of emails when you have been out of the office for a few days. With the access to emails from the smartphone, one has tried to do something, but has only screwed on the symptoms and has not yet addressed the real cause.


As a suggestion for how to solve these problems, here are a few of the many ways Microsoft 365 can transform a workplace into a Modern Workplace.

With Yammer, you have a platform with which, for example, relevant information about the entire company, projects or customers can be made available to all employees or to a selected group. Working with this tool is a bit like a social network, but for the company. You can communicate to everyone and avoid the usual "I know everything" and turn it into "everyone knows and is on the same level of knowledge".

With the Teams tool, departments can work on a project across locations, tasks are distributed directly, progress reports are viewed and all relevant data is stored. It is even possible to invite external partners to collaborate on a project and work together on it via Teams.

Via Delve, Microsoft offers a personal knowledge assistant. This provides information to discover within the Microsoft 365 environment that is probably most interesting for the employee, e.g. documents that are often used.

With the help of Office Graph, employees are shown information that could be relevant to them before they even search for it. It is an intelligent self-learning algorithm that operates in the background of Microsoft 365.

As can be seen from four application examples, a company can provide its employees with a sustainable infrastructure in which to work. Ideas can be created, collected and implemented in this infrastructure. Numerous studies also indicate that these changes lead to an increase in employee productivity and motivation.


However, the central factor is still the person who performs the service, as well as the person for whom the service is performed. The employee must also take advantage of the opportunities offered by a modern digital workplace. Acceptance by the workforce can only be achieved through a tailored rollout concept. Ensuring that all parts of an organization can handle the new applications. Here it is important to have a partner who not only has technical expertise in implementing the new technology, but is also capable of looking at the entirety of a company. Furthermore, an intelligent and individual training concept is important, which enables the service providers to use the tools in order to achieve the required speed. This ensures a smooth transition from the old system to the new one.


Even Charles Darwin knew in the nineteenth century, not the strongest or most intelligent species survives, but the one that can change and adapt the fastest. For a company, this requires the right tools and the right concept for implementation. Digitalization as a tool to stay competitive. Then as now, it is still true that those who do not adapt will not survive for long.

Let's start a movement #digitalfueralle #germany

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Forschung und Vorbereitung

  • Einfacher Datenzugriff mit Pipelines, Lakehouse und Notebooks
  • Apache Spark und Python
  • Data Wrangler als Bestandteil von Notebooks

Experiment und ML-Model

  • Aufbau von Experimenten zur Überprüfung von Hypothesen
  • Aufbau von ML-Modellen auf Basis Azure Synapse ML
  • Einsatz von Notebooks mit Apache Spark und Python

Insights gewinnen

  • Speicherung von Vorhersagen in OneLake
  • Bereitstellung neuester Vorhersagen in Power Bl mittels Direct Lake Anbindung

Data Science Prozess

Dataflow Gen2


OneLake Shortcut


  • Erfassung von Daten mit Dataflow oder Datenpipeline

  • Shortcuts aus OneLake, Azure Data Lake etc.

  • T-SQL Read/Write

SQL-Endpunkt des Lakehouse

  • Automatisch aus Lakehouse generiert

  • Kompatibel mit SQL Server Management Studio und Azure Data Studio

  • T-SQL Read-Only

Dataflow Gen2


OneLake Shortcut

Event Streaming

  • Erfassung, Transformierung und Routing von Real-Time Events

  • No-Code Experience

KQL Database

  • Bevorzugte Datenhaltung für Event Streaming
  • Schnelle Speicherung und Abfrage von Daten
  • Basis für Power BI Reports

Dataflow Gen2


OneLake Shortcut


  • Speicher für strukturierte und unstrukturierte Daten
  • Basis für BiaData Transformationen und Analysen
  • SQL-Endpunkt und Basis für Auswertungen


  • Interaktive Compute für Transformation von BiaData
  • Entwicklung von Machine Learning
  • Modellen und Apache Spark
  • Python, R und Scala

Single Source of Truth.

Im Microsoft Fabric OneLake werden Daten aus verschiedenen Quellen in einem zentralen System gespeichert, das bietet zahlreiche Vorteile wie

  • Datenkonstistenz und hohe Datenqualität
  • Steigerung der Effizienz und Produktivität
  • Verbesserte Zusammenarbeit im Unternehmen
  • Erleichterte Datenintegration und -analyse
  • Kostenreduzierung
  • Compliance und Sicherheit

Citizen Developer.

Durch die Benutzerfreundlichkeit des Tools entstehen folgende Vorteile

  • Intuitive Oberfläche
  • Einfache Automatisierung und Datenintegration
  • Gute Kollaboration und Zusammenarbeit
  • Schnellere Entwicklungszyklen
  • Hohe Flexibilität und Skalierbarkeit
  • Fortschrittliche KI Komponenten

More Flexibility.

Eine leistungsfähige, integrierte und benutzerfreundliche Plattform, die es Unternehmen ermöglicht, ihre Daten effizient zu verwalten, tief gehende Analysen durchzuführen und fundierte Entscheidungen zu treffen. Dies trägt wesentlich zur Optimierung von Geschäftsprozessen und zur Steigerung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit bei. Besondere Vorteile

  • Nahtlose Datenintegration durch einfache Datenpipelines
  • Flexible Verarbeitung von strukturierten und unstrukturierten Daten
  • Schnelle Anpassung an Veränderungen im Unternehmen
  • Konsistente Datenhaltung
  • Zentralisierte Datenverwaltung
  • Skalierbare Data Warehousing und Data Science Komponenten
  • Leistungsstarke Datenanalysen in Echtzeit


According to your wishes we create report designs according to the latest information design and UX/UI standards.

Our goal is to enable optimal report usage with the appropriate story telling.

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Our developers design customized reporting solutions.

Particular attention will be paid to the following:


Building Power BI Infrastructure

Create Power BI Reports

Workshops & Trainings

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Mit der Microsoft Produktpalette entwickeln wir Data Warehouses, Data Lakes und Data Lakehouses nach neusten Standards.

Dazu nutzen wir unter anderem:

Azure Data Factory

Azure Data Lake

Azure Data Bricks

Azure Synapse

Azure SQL

Kom4tec - Icon - Relief databases


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Microsoft Fabric

Central reporting

Single Point of Truth

For reporting, we create the basis for powerful data analyses.

At a glance

Create visualizations that draw attention to the essentials.


Easy to consume yet meaningful and accurate.

Customized design

According to the latest design standards and corporate identity guidelines - On all devices!

Enterprise Reporting & Self Service

One place

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Create & share reports, apps and data models. Relieve IT resources with true self-service.

Gartner Magic Quadrant

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Data management

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Efficient and centralized storage

Relief of the operational databases

Reduction of dependence on manual processes of data evaluation

Consistent database for reporting applications

Consolidation and aggregation of data

Creation of a single point of truth


Kom4tec - BI Analytics - Backend - Architektur

Azure Data Lakehouse

Azure Machine Learning Architektur

Kom4tec - BI Analytics - Backend - Azure Machine Learning Architektur

Microsoft Fabric

Data sources

Beispiele für Power BI Datenquellen

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Google Analytics

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Adobe Analytics

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Data sources

Beispiele für Power BI Datenquellen

Kom4tec - Azure Logo - BI Analytics Data Sources


Kom4tec - Microsoft Excel Logo - BI Analytics Data Sources


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Google Analytics​

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Adobe Analytics

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