Microsoft Power BI - ranked 14th in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Analytics and BI

... and for the third time in a row at the far right of the quadrant. That is, at the top of the leaders and visionaries. Microsoft has massive market reach through Microsoft Office and a comprehensive and visionary product roadmap.

Microsoft Power BI has helped more than 250,000 companies - including 97 percent of the Fortune 500 - build their data culture.


  • Microsoft offers data preparation, visual-based data discovery, interactive dashboards and augmented analytics in Power BI. This is available as a SaaS option running in the Azure cloud or as an on-premises option in Power BI Report Server. The Power BI Desktop App can be used as a standalone, free personal analytics tool.
  • Microsoft is releasing a weekly update to its cloud-based Power BI service, with hundreds of features added in 2020. Notable additions include more augmented analytics in the form of AI-infused experiences, including Smart Narratives (NLG) and anomaly detection capabilities for out-of-the-box visualizations. .
  • Power BI's increasing integration with Microsoft Teams, with its tens of millions of daily active users, will further extend its reach into the world of remote work. Power BI is now often the option organizations have in mind when using Gartner's customer query to select the ABI platform - "why not Power BI?" is effectively the question most are asking.
  • Price/performance is right. The Power BI cloud service is extremely rich in its features, which include an expanded set of augmented analytics and automated ML capabilities. AI-powered services such as text, sentiment and image analytics are available in Power BI Premium and draw on Azure capabilities.
  • Microsoft continues to invest in a broad set of visionary capabilities and integrate them into Power BI. It says 80,000 customers are now using AI services in Power BI implementations. Microsoft continues to promote its use at scale, for example, by applying ML-driven, automated optimization of materialized views on Azure Synapse (and soon other data sources, including Snowflake and Redshift) to automatically optimize query performance.


1. Power BI Insights, Office 365 Productivity - integrated with Excel and Microsoft Teams.

2. with Power Query, you can access data anywhere with hundreds of built-in connectors.

3. rapidly create intelligent systems with Power BI + Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics.

4. linking with the Microsoft Power Platform - from insights to implementation.

5. only BI product with integrated data loss prevention through Microsoft Information Protection and Microsoft Cloud App Security.

6. industry-leading AI that helps find answers quickly.

7. the Power BI Mobile App.

8. cloud maturity - among one of the largest and fastest growing BI clouds.

9. rapid, user-driven innovation - new features are released weekly based on user feedback.

10. promoting a data culture with access for all.


Analytics and business intelligence (ABI) platforms feature easy-to-use capabilities that support a complete analytic workflow - from data preparation to visual exploration and insight generation - with an emphasis on self-service and advanced user support.

Vendors in the ABI market range from startups backed by venture capital funds to large technology companies. In many cases, ABI platforms are entry points for broader sets of cloud data management capabilities offered by cloud providers, such as Microsoft.

ABI platforms are no longer differentiated solely by their data visualization capabilities, which are now standard. All vendors can create interactive key performance indicator (KPI) dashboards that use common chart shapes (bar/column, line/area, scatter, pie, and geographic maps) and draw on a wide range of data sources. Differentiation has shifted to how well platforms offer augmented analytics options. These "augmented analytics" use machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) to prepare data, generate insights, and explain them. They help users explore and analyze data more effectively than would be possible with manual effort.

This Magic Quadrant evaluates vendor capabilities based on their 2020 implementation and future development plans. As vendors and the market evolve, the ratings may only be valid for a specific point in time.



Forschung und Vorbereitung

  • Einfacher Datenzugriff mit Pipelines, Lakehouse und Notebooks
  • Apache Spark und Python
  • Data Wrangler als Bestandteil von Notebooks

Experiment und ML-Model

  • Aufbau von Experimenten zur Überprüfung von Hypothesen
  • Aufbau von ML-Modellen auf Basis Azure Synapse ML
  • Einsatz von Notebooks mit Apache Spark und Python

Insights gewinnen

  • Speicherung von Vorhersagen in OneLake
  • Bereitstellung neuester Vorhersagen in Power Bl mittels Direct Lake Anbindung

Data Science Prozess

Dataflow Gen2


OneLake Shortcut


  • Erfassung von Daten mit Dataflow oder Datenpipeline

  • Shortcuts aus OneLake, Azure Data Lake etc.

  • T-SQL Read/Write

SQL-Endpunkt des Lakehouse

  • Automatisch aus Lakehouse generiert

  • Kompatibel mit SQL Server Management Studio und Azure Data Studio

  • T-SQL Read-Only

Dataflow Gen2


OneLake Shortcut

Event Streaming

  • Erfassung, Transformierung und Routing von Real-Time Events

  • No-Code Experience

KQL Database

  • Bevorzugte Datenhaltung für Event Streaming
  • Schnelle Speicherung und Abfrage von Daten
  • Basis für Power BI Reports

Dataflow Gen2


OneLake Shortcut


  • Speicher für strukturierte und unstrukturierte Daten
  • Basis für BiaData Transformationen und Analysen
  • SQL-Endpunkt und Basis für Auswertungen


  • Interaktive Compute für Transformation von BiaData
  • Entwicklung von Machine Learning
  • Modellen und Apache Spark
  • Python, R und Scala

Single Source of Truth.

Im Microsoft Fabric OneLake werden Daten aus verschiedenen Quellen in einem zentralen System gespeichert, das bietet zahlreiche Vorteile wie

  • Datenkonstistenz und hohe Datenqualität
  • Steigerung der Effizienz und Produktivität
  • Verbesserte Zusammenarbeit im Unternehmen
  • Erleichterte Datenintegration und -analyse
  • Kostenreduzierung
  • Compliance und Sicherheit

Citizen Developer.

Durch die Benutzerfreundlichkeit des Tools entstehen folgende Vorteile

  • Intuitive Oberfläche
  • Einfache Automatisierung und Datenintegration
  • Gute Kollaboration und Zusammenarbeit
  • Schnellere Entwicklungszyklen
  • Hohe Flexibilität und Skalierbarkeit
  • Fortschrittliche KI Komponenten

More Flexibility.

Eine leistungsfähige, integrierte und benutzerfreundliche Plattform, die es Unternehmen ermöglicht, ihre Daten effizient zu verwalten, tief gehende Analysen durchzuführen und fundierte Entscheidungen zu treffen. Dies trägt wesentlich zur Optimierung von Geschäftsprozessen und zur Steigerung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit bei. Besondere Vorteile

  • Nahtlose Datenintegration durch einfache Datenpipelines
  • Flexible Verarbeitung von strukturierten und unstrukturierten Daten
  • Schnelle Anpassung an Veränderungen im Unternehmen
  • Konsistente Datenhaltung
  • Zentralisierte Datenverwaltung
  • Skalierbare Data Warehousing und Data Science Komponenten
  • Leistungsstarke Datenanalysen in Echtzeit


According to your wishes we create report designs according to the latest information design and UX/UI standards.

Our goal is to enable optimal report usage with the appropriate story telling.

Kom4tec - BI Analytics - Implementation - Design - Laptop Mockup Design Report


Our developers design customized reporting solutions.

Particular attention will be paid to the following:


Building Power BI Infrastructure

Create Power BI Reports

Workshops & Trainings

Kom4tec - BI Analytics - Implementation - Frontend - Laptop Mockup Business Figures


With our broad expert knowledge in numerous business areas, we offer you holistic support in the development of key figures


Retail, Wholesale, E-Commerce.

Controlling + Finance

Accounting, sales controlling, investment controlling.

Supply Chain Management

Logistics, purchasing, production.


Websites, email marketing, social media campaigns.

Together with you, we define the necessary key figures and KPIs.


Unsere Data Engineering Experten generieren die richtige Kulisse für dein Reporting.

Mit der Microsoft Produktpalette entwickeln wir Data Warehouses, Data Lakes und Data Lakehouses nach neusten Standards.

Dazu nutzen wir unter anderem:

Azure Data Factory

Azure Data Lake

Azure Data Bricks

Azure Synapse

Azure SQL

Kom4tec - Icon - Relief databases


KOM4TEC - Microsoft Fabric Logo

Microsoft Fabric

Central reporting

Single Point of Truth

For reporting, we create the basis for powerful data analyses.

At a glance

Create visualizations that draw attention to the essentials.


Easy to consume yet meaningful and accurate.

Customized design

According to the latest design standards and corporate identity guidelines - On all devices!

Enterprise Reporting & Self Service

One place

Meet your self-service BI and enterprise data analytics needs on a single platform.


Create & share reports, apps and data models. Relieve IT resources with true self-service.

Gartner Magic Quadrant

Microsoft is ranked as a Leader in the March 2022 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Analytics and Business Intelligence Platforms for the second year in a row

Data management

Your data management in an individual data warehouse, based on the Microsoft SQL engine. With Azure Data Factory, Azure Data Lake Storage and Microsoft SQL Servers, Microsoft provides a comprehensive modern data warehouse solution for companies of all sizes, whether in the cloud or on-premises. 

Benefit from established techniques like SSIS and SSAS and leverage cutting-edge solutions like Azure AI & Machine Learning.

Efficient and centralized storage

Relief of the operational databases

Reduction of dependence on manual processes of data evaluation

Consistent database for reporting applications

Consolidation and aggregation of data

Creation of a single point of truth


Kom4tec - BI Analytics - Backend - Architektur

Azure Data Lakehouse

Azure Machine Learning Architektur

Kom4tec - BI Analytics - Backend - Azure Machine Learning Architektur

Microsoft Fabric

Data sources

Beispiele für Power BI Datenquellen

Kom4tec - Azure Logo - BI Analytics Data Sources


Kom4tec - Microsoft Excel Logo - BI Analytics Data Sources


Kom4tec - Salesforce Logo - BI Analytics Data Sources


Kom4tec - Google Analytics Logo - BI Analytics Data Sources

Google Analytics

Kom4tec - SAP Logo - BI Analytics Data Sources


Kom4tec - adobe analytics Logo - BI Analytics Data Sources

Adobe Analytics

Kom4tec - Asana Logo - BI Analytics Data Sources


Kom4tec - github Logo - BI Analytics Data Sources


Kom4tec - IBM Logo - BI Analytics Data Sources.png


Data sources

Beispiele für Power BI Datenquellen

Kom4tec - Azure Logo - BI Analytics Data Sources


Kom4tec - Microsoft Excel Logo - BI Analytics Data Sources


Kom4tec - Salesforce Logo - BI Analytics Data Sources


Kom4tec - Google Analytics Logo - BI Analytics Data Sources

Google Analytics​

Kom4tec - SAP Logo - BI Analytics Data Sources


Kom4tec - adobe analytics Logo - BI Analytics Data Sources

Adobe Analytics

Kom4tec - Asana Logo - BI Analytics Data Sources


Kom4tec - github Logo - BI Analytics Data Sources


Kom4tec - IBM Logo - BI Analytics Data Sources.png